What gifts do you bring to 2023?
There can be a lot of hype around newness, but what about celebrating what comes with us into a new year? There's a place for all the hard work we've already done that continues to help us reach new heights; nothing is ever wasted (even that Summer job where I worked as a TV and movie extra. Now, that same skill helps me face the camera everyday!) If you're wanting to anchor your 2023 wishes into weighty, tangible goals, link them to what you already know, then feel (not think!) your way into the future. Here's how we do it:
1. What inner gifts am I bringing with me into 2023? (Think about what comes naturally, skills that feel easy even if they seem unconnected, what do people recognise in you that is something you don't have to think too much to achieve well?)
Write at least 5 gifts that are YOURS in all your bad-ass glory.
2. What gifts/ skills/ talents are you going nurture and grow in 2023? The seeds are there, but they need time, energy and attention to fully bloom. Maybe it's time to get a confidence coach to work on public speaking, or do that art class. When we expand the creative network in our brain, you'd be surprised at how inspiration flows in unexpected ways!
Fill in the blank: I nurture my goals when I invest in learning/practicing/studying ..........
3. What does sustainable growth feel like? Forget short, sharp hill starts, we're in this for the mountain climb- and the joy of reaching the top. Something 2022 taught me was that I can't get where I want to go in a state I'll actually enjoy it if I don't have some support, play time, and nurture passions outside of work- especially my friendships! Sustainability isn't just a buzz word, it's a lifestyle ethos that pays off every time.
Call in at least 5 tools/people/tasks to help you on your way. To grow sustainably I'm calling in .......
And finally, if you haven't already, get yourself a daily High 5 Habit (book by Mel Robbins). I'm going to playing with this one in 2023, but it already feels aligned with how I want to feel in 2023: supported, adventurous, a little goofy and a whole lotta love in the mix.
High 5 that mirror girlfriend, and wake up remembering how amazing you are.
Stephanie x